Reem Osama


1989 Born in cairo , Egypt

2006- 2011

Graduated from the faculty art education (cultural Art department ) General Estimate : Excellent with honor.

2012 Graduate student athesis submitted for the master of art education philosophy .

2013 Work ademonstratar in dimenshiol Expression department ( sculpture ) faculty of Art education ( Egypt ) .

Group Exhibition :-

2008 " Textile harmonies" Exhibition in Faculty of Art education .

2009 " plastic Art Exhibition 33" ( Helwan university )

2010 " plastic Art Exhibition 34 " ( helwan university )

2012" Tomorrow Revolution" Exhibition in talaat harb cultural center .

2014" power " sculpture Exhibition .

2015" abstract " Sculpture Exhibition .

2015Facluty of Art education Exhibition in el Geizera center of Art .

Work shop :-

2013" unfolding prespective " workshop with daad in cairo .

2013" unfolding perspective " workshop in Faculty of fine Art "bermen university " (Germany )

2013Metal sculpture workshop with Egyptian Artist ( omar tousson) Facluty of art education ( cairo )

2013 Bronze sculpture workshop with egyption sculptor " Hassan Kamel " .

*Symposium :

2014Aswan international sculpture symposium in Egypt .

22th Aswan International Sculpture Symposium