Hany Ghobrila


Bachelor of Educational arts, Helwan University,

Postgraduate Diploma in Art Criticism

An active member of the plastic arts Syndicate

Technical workshops:

* Workshop for the Blind sculputre at  Saad Zaghloul Center 2014

* Workshop Media at "Town House gallry" in 2008

* Workshop ceramics and sculpture in ancient Egypt, 2001

* Workshop image and advertising at Jezwt Minya

* Workshop colour and how to read the technical work

* Workshop music and colour

* Workshop  "painting" at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 2000


Special exhibitions:


* "Waiting" Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center 2014


* "Almatarha" Hall Awan 2012

* "Silent dialogues" Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center 2011

* "Icon"  Cairo atelier  2011

* "Symbol and icon" of the Coptic Museum in 2010

* "Message of  Icon" Cairo Atelier 2008

* Exhibition Hall Library Gazweet  Minya 2007

Technical posts:

* Collectibles gallery with the acquisition of the Ministry of Culture for 2014

* General Exhibition 2014

* Group Exhibition Hall "Art Corner" in 2013

* Group Exhibition Hall "Art Talk" in 201 *  Display Gallery First Cairo Atelier 2012

* Collective action "story wall" Bazbp Upper Egyptians "2011

 * Award "Youth Salon" in 2011

* Exhibition "Mga Castle" in 2009

* Exhibition "Rateb Sedeak" 2008

* The first special exhibition at Gezira Arts Center 2008

 * Exhibitions in Alexandria Holdings and the Ministry of Culture in 2008

* Exhibition "Spring"  Sakyt al Sawy 2008

* Exhibition "Ratab Sedeak" 2004

20th Aswan International Sculpture Symposium