Name: Reem osama Mustaifa
Country: Egypt
Exhibition: ' plastic art exhibition'inhelwan university 33, 34.
Tomorrow :revolution ' exhihitionin Tal3at 7arb cultural centre. 'Textile harmonies ' exhibition in faculty of art education.
Workshops :-
'unfoldingprspective' workshop with 'DAAD'cairo 2013.
'unfolingprespective’ workshop in faculty of fine .art 'Bermen university 'Germany 2013.
Metal Sculpture workshop with 'Artist Omar Touson’ inFaculty of art education 2013
Bronze sculpture workshop with 'Artist Hassan Kamel 'in {acuity of art education .
Qualifications: The Bachelor of arts / science degree from the department of cultural .art . General Estimate : Excellent with honor . Work adenionstrator in dimensional expression department (sculpture section) faculty of .art education Graduate student athesis submitted for the master of .art education philosphy