Name: Hesham Abdollah Abdel Moaty
Birth: Born in Arab Republic Of Egypt 1972
Country: Egypt
Exhibition: The 3rd International Cairo Biennale in Pottery - 1996 .The 4th International Cairo Biennale in Pottery - 1998 .The 5th International Cairo Biennale in Pottery - 2000 .The 6th International Cairo Biennale in Pottery - 2001 .The 11th Youth Salon - 1999.
The 12th Youth Salon - 2000 .
The 14th Youth Salon - 2002 .
The 4th Miniature Salon - 2000 .
The 5th Miniature Salon - 2001 .
the 26th International Exhibition for Plastic arts - 2001 - 2001 .
The 4th Pottery Gathering in Qena - 2002 .
The 12th Youth Salon - 2000 .
The 14th Youth Salon - 2002 .
The 4th Miniature Salon - 2000 .
The 5th Miniature Salon - 2001 .
the 26th International Exhibition for Plastic arts - 2001 - 2001 .
The 4th Pottery Gathering in Qena - 2002 .
General: Assistant Professor in art College in Banha__.
Prize: Award in the 3rd Cairo Biennale in Pottery for Youth_1996.
The Jury Award for youth Salon in Pottery for youth_2000.
The Jury Award for youth Salon in Pottery for youth_2000.
Qualifications: B.A. of fine Arts.