Samaa Group for Sufi music & chanting Ghouri Dome «Artistic Creativity Centre» Let's listen to see .. Let's see to listen ..
First school to teach principles of chanting
Ministry of culture
Samaa’s choir for Sufi chanting was established by Mr. Entissar Abdelfattah in 2007, through a workshop named “Alghuri chanter” which revealed unknown special most important voices in chanting at different regions in Egypt. In a trial to keep this important tradition and reviving old forms of it through using the unique architecture of Qubet Alghuri, inspired by the art of Arabic calligraphy, and Sufi dancing. The reason of establishing Samaa’s school for chanting and spiritual music in 2007 is to ensure and revive all that original art, sponsored by the ministry of culture. Five consecutive generations have graduated the school through the years from 2007 Until now.
Sessions :- The International Samaa' Festival for Spiritual Music & Chanting - 13 Round